

「更多英文學習:QQ English」

就讓我們正式進入到──【商用電話英文 致勝三部曲】的單元!!

[首部曲:正式電話英文Step by Step]

  1. 來電一方開場介紹
    • 一開始打招呼:Hello. / Good Morning. / Good Afternoon.
      表明來電者身分:This is (name)  speaking.
      說明想要找的接聽對象:Could I speak to (name) please? / I would like to speak to (name)./  I’m trying to contact (name).
    • 在商業電訪中,有時候來電一方是代表公司出面洽談,所以在「表明身分之後」,常常會加一句「說明來歷」的自介話語:
      I am calling from (company or institution). / I’m calling on behalf of (company or institution).
  2. 接電話一方回覆
    • 表明接電話一方身分:Hello, this is (name) speaking. / (Name) speaking, how may I help you?
    • 假如打電話到一間公司或是公司客服部門的時候,電話人員通常會在來電者講話之前先自我介紹,一般都會這麼說:
      Hello, (company or institution) , how may I help you?
  3. 接電話一方要求更多訊息
    • 假如來電一方沒有報名字,可以用以下句子詢問:May I ask who’s calling, please? / Can I ask who I’m speaking to, please? / Excuse me, where is this call coming from?
  4. 來電一方提出來電需求
    • 要求找特定人士:Could I speak to someone who (specific function, ex:manages customer service, or is incharge of product development)?
      表明特定要求:I would like to make a reservation, please. / I would like to make an appointment with (name, ex: Dr.Melson).
      請對方幫忙轉接:Could you put me through to extension number (numbers) , please?
    • 這個部分沒有固定的形式,還是看電話內容是什麼。基本上要掌握住「清楚表達目的」與「注意禮貌」即可。
  5. 稍待或轉接電話
    • 請對方稍待:Could you hold on a moment, please? / Just a moment, please.
      幫對方轉接電話:I’ll just put you through, please wait. / I’ll transfer you now, please wait for a moment.
  6. 無法滿足來電者需求時的回答
    • 有時候來電者沒有辦法被滿足,像是所詢之人剛好不在,或是電話滿線無法轉接。造成來電者沒有辦法被滿足的原因太多,以下列舉幾項常見的情況:
      I’m afraid (name)’s busy at the moment, can I take a message? / I’m sorry, (name)’s on business today.
      I’m sorry, but you may have dialled the wrong number.
      I’m afraid the line is busy at the moment, would like to call back later?
  7. 通話中遇到溝通問題
    • 有時候因為環境吵雜或是通訊品質不佳,通話中可能會有聽不清楚的情形,以下是幾種常見的應對方式:
      I’m afraid I can’t hear you very well. / Would you mind speaking up a bit, please? / Could you repeat that, please?
      I’m afraid the line is quite bad, would you mind repeating your sentence?
  8. 來電者留資料或訊息
    • 接電話者詢問來電者是否留訊息:Would you like to leave a message? / Can I take your name and number, please?
      留訊息時遇到需要問清楚的資訊,可以直接表達:Could you spell that for me please? / Would you like (name) to call you back?
    • 有時候來電者會主動要求留訊息Can I leave a message please? / Could you please ask (name) to call me back?
  9. 電話中說再見
    • 電話中說再見:Thank you for calling. / Have a good day. / Goodbye.

「更多英文學習:QQ English


「更多英文學習:QQ English」

※在口語中,請人「稍待一會」也可以說hang on,意思等同於hold on。Hang on與hang up長得有點像,但是意思差很多,一個是「稍待」,另一個是「掛電話」。



「更多英文學習:QQ English」


  1. 表明清楚自己的身分 (同時注意說話的語調)
  2. 注意音量、發音,讓對方聽請楚自己在說什麼
  3. 用對方熟悉的語言 (依照說話對象不同,用的字詞也會不同)
  4. 仔細聆聽對方的說話內容 (記得給對方一些回應,並注意不要插嘴)
  5. 利用例子幫助對方瞭解談話內容
  6. 隨身帶著紙、筆。

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    Jackson Jang


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