
最近九把刀和阿基師的偷吃新聞鬧得沸沸揚揚,今天我們也要來教大家一些”偷吃”的小技巧。但是我們教大家的偷吃不是那個外遇的偷吃啦,我們是要教大家十個你不可不知道的輕鬆生活偷吃步小技巧 – 食物篇。大家來練習看看聽英文學中文吧 :D

<影片原文> Ten Incredible Food Life Hacks You Need to Know


This is Quick and Simple Life Hacks, food edition. 這裡是《快速輕鬆生活偷吃步》,食物版。

We’ve put together ten amazing food relative hacks that you need to know. So sit back, grab your frying pan, and we’ll dive right into the fire. 我們蒐集了你們需要知道的十個很棒的食物相關偷吃步。所以坐回去,拿起你的炒鍋,然後我們要直衝火窟。

Need to get that jar open? Grab some duct tape and cover about half the lid. Now pull hard from the other side, and pop! It’s done. 需要打開那罐子嗎?拿一點膠帶並覆上約一半的蓋子。現在用力往另一邊拉,然後砰!完成了。

Need to water some plants but you don’t have a watering can? Grab an empty milk bottle and fill it with water. Poke about twenty holes on the top and you’re on your way to become a green thumb. 需要幫一些植物澆水,但你沒有灑水器嗎?拿一個空的牛奶罐然後裝滿水。在上面戳大約二十個洞,然後你就走上成為綠手指的路了。

Ever wanna make a gourmet breakfast but you suck at cooking? Cut out a couple of large circles from an onion. Put the stove on medium heat and toss them in. After a minute, crack eggs right into the circles, and let it cook for three minutes covered. Voila! Gourmet breakfast that ladies love. 曾想過要做一頓老饕級的早餐,但你廚藝爛透了嗎?從洋蔥切下幾個大圈圈。將爐子轉到中火,並把它們放進去。一分鐘後,把蛋直接打進圈圈裡,然後讓它蓋著煮大約三分鐘。你看看!女士們都喜愛的老饕級早餐。

Wanna (註一) keep your cookie soft? Get a piece of bread and place it into the container with the cookies. The bread will release moisture into the container, keeping your cookies nice and soft. 想要(註一)讓你的餅乾保持鬆軟嗎?拿一片麵包並和餅乾一起裝進容器。這麵包會釋放出水氣到容器裡,讓你的餅乾維持美味及鬆軟。

Trying to get that delicious treat out of a can, but it’s just not working? Simple! Flip the can upside down and poke a couple of small holes in the bottom with a knife. Those beans will run out faster than you can say, “Banana!" (註二) 試著要將那美味的珍饈倒出罐子,但就是行不通嗎?簡單!把罐子上下顛倒轉過來,然後用刀在底部戳幾個小洞。那些豆子就會溜出來,比你念「Banana」還要快! (註二)

Are your nice shoes looking a bit muggy? Grab a banana peel and run it all over. When you’re done, wipe it with soap and water. What a delicious shoeshine. 你的好鞋看起來有點灰樸樸的嗎?拿一塊香蕉皮然後將整雙鞋都抹一遍。當你完成後,用肥皂和清水擦拭。多美味的鞋油啊。

Cooking pasta sauce is easy, but where do you put that stirring spoon? Easy! Wrap some tin foil through the handle hole, and plug that spoon directly into it. It will be right there for you next time you need it. And all the sauce will just be right back into the pan. 煮義大利麵醬很容易,但你要把這攪拌匙放哪?簡單!穿過把手上的洞包上一些錫箔紙,然後把湯匙直接插在裡面。它會就待在那等你下次需要它。而所有醬汁會就直接回到鍋子裡。 ` Wanna reheat that pizza but not in the mood for soggy microwave sludge? Put a pan on the stove and set it to medium-high heat.Toss in your slice and let it sit for a minute. Then flip it over, and cook it another minute. Perfetto! It’s the same as it was when it arrived. 想要再加熱pizza但不想要用微波爐加熱的濕軟爛泥嗎?把平底鍋放到爐子上並調到中強火。把你的pizza放進去並讓它放一分鐘。然後翻面,再煮另一分鐘。完美(義大利文)!跟它剛送到你家時一模一樣!

Love hard boiled eggs? Who doesn’t? Make an entire batch at once in the oven. Set your oven to three twenty-five, and place the eggs on a tray and pop them in for thirty minutes. When they come out, drop them in some cold water for a few minutes, and enjoy. You now have breakfast for a week. 喜歡硬的水煮蛋嗎?誰不愛?在烤箱裡一次做一整批吧。把你的烤箱調到三百二十五度,然後把蛋放在烤盤上,放進去烤三十分鐘。當它們出來,把它們丟進一些冷水中放幾分鐘,然後大快朵頤。你現在有一週的早餐了。

And finally, cutting a gourmet loaf of bread? Don’t cut from the top, it’s too rough and tough and it’s going to get crushed. Flip that yeasted goodness over. Cut and enjoy your full-figured bread. 然後最後,要切下一塊老饕級的麵包嗎?不要從上方切,太粗糙太硬,且它會被壓壞。把這塊發酵的好東西翻過來。切下然後享受你胖嘟嘟的麵包。

As always, thanks for watching. Be sure to hit the like button if you wanna see more of these. And leave your own life hacks in the comments below. See you next time. 一如往常,感謝收看。如果你想要看更多像這樣的影片請務必點「讚」。然後在下面的留言寫下你自己的生活偷吃步。下次見。


Wanna reheat that pizza but not “in the mood" for soggy microwave sludge? 想要再加熱pizza但不想要用微波爐加熱的濕軟爛泥嗎?

註二:英文常用faster than you can say something來表達做某件事的速度非常快,快到還沒說完某個字就做完了。此處以banana來表達是為了承接下一段以香蕉皮擦鞋的秘訣。



  1. Opening a jar (打開罐子偷吃步)
  2. Watering plants (澆花技巧偷吃步)
  3. HOW TO Gourmet breakfast (如何做一頓老饕級的早餐技巧偷吃步)
  4. Keeping cookies soft (讓餅乾保持鬆軟技巧偷吃步)
  5. Liberating refried beans (把罐子裡豆子倒出來的技巧偷吃步)
  6. Banana Show Shine (香蕉皮擦皮鞋好好用)
  7. Stirring spoon holder (攪拌勺架簡易做)
  8. Stovetop Pizza (平底鍋烤Pizza好容易)
  9. Oven + Eggs = Dance all night (用烤箱做水煮蛋偷吃步小技巧)
  10. Full figured bread (老饕級的麵包怎樣切才好吃偷吃步小技巧)

這些偷吃步小方法有沒有很實用啊? 這邊我們再跟大家分享一下名人偷吃後的SOP啦~ 讓大家不僅僅學到生活小技巧,還可以多學到一些不能不知道的時事必背單字喔!


劈腿:cheat on (someone) / cheating / two-timing 婚外情:having an affair 小三:mistress/ the other woman(比較口語的用法。) 風流的男人:casanova 摩鐵:motel 狗仔隊:paparazzi


He’s cheating on you. 他背著你劈腿。 He’s not faithful. 他對你不忠。 Rumor has it that Cheng Yen-chi has an affair with another woman. 據傳阿基師和另外個女生有婚外情。


  1. 和另一半道歉



  • You have my sincere apology.  我誠心誠意向你道歉。
  • You cannot believe how sorry I am.  你不知道我感到多麼抱歉。
  • Words cannot describe how sorry I am.  語言無法描述我對你的歉意。
  • I really feel bad about it.  我真的感到很內疚。

2. 召開記者會


  • I still have feelings for her. 我對她還有感情。
  • I bound with her. 我和她很處得來。
  • It didn’t go anywhere. 但是沒有什麼事發生。
  • Maybe I don’t deserve you. 也許我真的配不上你.圖片出自網路照片,若有不妥請告知。想知道怎樣學好英文嗎? 請點選
  • or
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    Jackson Jang


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